Fully vaccinated Florida man DIES from covid, MSN implies it’s the fault of unvaccinated people

Fully vaccinated Florida man DIES from covid, MSN implies it’s the fault of unvaccinated people by:  for Natural News

A North Palm Beach man is dead after contracting post-vaccination “covid pneumonia.” And the mainstream media – MSN in particular – is blaming the unvaccinated.

Vincent Konidare reportedly died on Sept. 19 after testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) on Aug. 2. Vincent’s wife Jaime told the media that her now-deceased husband had no pre-existing health conditions, but did receive the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) injection back in March.

MSN reported that Vincent’s post-vaccination health woes started with a cough. That cough escalated until eventually Vincent was taken to the hospital and put on a ventilator, which is usually a death sentence for patients who end up on this misguided protocol.

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For more than a month, Vincent “battled” covid while attached to that ventilator at the Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. Then, suddenly, he died of a lack of oxygen, Jaime says.

“They called us and said, ‘You know, we just can’t give him any more oxygen,’” Jaime recalls. “‘He’s getting 100% and he’s failing,’ and at that point, we all went to the hospital and we got there just in time to say goodbye.”

“I just want people to know: This was a great guy. He was an amazing husband, an amazing father, he was a beautiful, handsome, strong, healthy, kindhearted guy who was loved by so many people. The outpouring of love just never stopped,” Jaime added in a statement to the media.

Despite her husband’s death, Jaime Konidare says that everyone should “go ahead and get vaccinated” and “wear a mask”

Even though she has suffered tremendous grief from the loss of her husband, Jaime is still pushing others to get “vaccinated.” She apparently is unable to make the connection between her husband’s death and the jab he received.

“I would tell that person to go ahead and get vaccinated because I still feel like it’s the right thing to do, but to not let down your guard,” Jaime told MSN.

“You still need to wear your mask. You still need to stay away from super spreader events and follow all the other guidelines because it’s not a guarantee that you will not get sick.”

This insane propaganda has come to be expected from the mainstream media: a loved one dies and their family members are immediately all over the news instructing people to follow the Tony Fauci protocol by following in the footsteps of the now-dead loved one.

It is laughably obvious what the agenda is, at least to those who are paying attention. But sadly, there are many out there who will read a story like this and take that advice.

The implication, of course, is that everyone out there who is not wearing a mask and getting vaccinated is somehow responsible for the death of the person who did all that and still died.

If that is the case, then the vaccines do not work, period. It cannot go both ways and still be logical: either the vaccine works and those who take it are protected, or it does not work and there is no point in taking it at all.

“The spirit of evil set loose in this world is frightening,” wrote one commenter at Natural News about the insanity of everything that is happening in the name of “fighting covid.”

“They have evil and murder in their hearts. Fauci has been closely associated with every ‘pandemic’ worldwide for the last 40 years. I don’t think AIDS, Ebola, MERS, or SARS was any more an accident than COVID. These creeps aren’t done.”

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